Wedding April 15, 1972

Wedding April 15, 1972

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14, 2010

It's only been a month since my last post, so that's not bad. I don't have anything to say, but Krista will get mad if I don't post anything, and I don't want to make HER mad.

I've been having a lot of trouble with my back and my legs. It seems like I'm walking worse and worse. Of course, Jerry has to keep telling me that, as if I didn't know. I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor and see which of my problems I should address first - too many to count. I better start making a list.

Yesterday was Jason's birthday, so we'll be taking him out this weekend. He'll probably want to go someplace boring, like Farmers. I just said that because Krista said there's so many more places in Edwardsville, but he likes to stay in Highland.

I was looking at the Biggest Loser's website today. I wonder if they're ever had anyone on there that could barely walk. Maybe I should apply.

Lorrie left early today for her follow-up with her oncologist. I hope that all is fine. She had breast cancer shortly after I had endometrial cancer. My doctor doesn't have me follow-up with him. Maybe I should get a new doctor.

I really want to start working on my house, getting rid of things, putting things away. Hopefully, everything will be done by Easter. I need to paint too, but can't get on the ladders anymore. Maybe someone will help me.

That's it for now. Take care everyone - Krista. I think you're the only one who reads this.

1 comment:

  1. I do appreciate the desire to not make me mad. It saves me a lot of wrinkles.

    You're starting to sound like an old lady with your ailments. Surely you're not an old layd yet?

    I'm trying to talk Jason into Cracker Barrel, or Steak & Shake. Somewhere that doesn't have a sophisticated menu.

    Apply for the Biggest Loser - but I couldn't bare to think of you tortured like that. I'd likely fly out there & kick the crud out of the trainers.

    I think breat cancer has a higher chance of recurrance than endometrial, but I may be wrong. As long as your OBGYN checks you annually you should be fine. But I don't like how he handled the unusual test results last time. Did you make an appointment tp come in for a repeat test?

    When will Lorrie hear back from her doctor?
